
Showing posts from December, 2010

you're not going anywhere

I know this with a certainty need no wish no prayer you're here to stay by me you're not going anywhere you need me for your thought my existence for your belief my love is your anchor my absence your grief you're great by yourself but my memories keep you going in the boat of your conscience it's i who does the rowing you could travel entire world partner somebody else but you'll need me at the end of day to decipher what your heart tells our love is beyond definitions and conventions above everything we know above our own conditions i'm not afraid my love since nothing can do us apart you're not going anywhere we're a part of each-other's heart

Story of a tree

My mother sowed my seed under rich, supple earth it shone and rained all day to celebrate my birth A huge family we were resplendent, strong & green animals used to woo us and birds came home to preen and then you came along the men-strong and wise you discovered our beauties in ways gentle and nice fruit flower fodder you reaped us to the core paper wax rubber your knowledge grew more all went hunky dory till your feet was on ground but things turned gory as u went foul and proud forgetting that other creatures were fellow inheritors of earth you used and abused them all for private mirth when your family grew you fell all of mine on that lifeless extravagant wood you drank beer and wine you changed the color of air you dammed and damned the seas you chased birds and butterflies for mosquitoes flies and fleas i stand here all alone imploring you to relent as you dig out soil from under my root to replace it with cement in the name of development bombs are what you make your greed ...