
Showing posts from 2017

Life lessons from Airtel Delhi Half Marathon

I ran my first ever half marathon on November 19, 2017. Had it not been for the inspiration of my colleagues, I wouldn’t have known the joy of it. I thank them deeply for infecting me with the spirit. To put it simply, a long distance running experience so unique and challenging, that it’s worth undertaking. That indicates why thousands of us have taken to running long distances. If this isn’t convincing, let me take you through the lessons. Learned in a hard way. And we know from experience, the harder we learn, the longer it stays. 1.        Humility is gold . We might be the best of our clan and society, but out there, one is a speck in the universe. There are so many people better than us. They could be younger, older, fatter, shorter, taller whatever. Let’s accept it – they are better than us. 2.        Limits are imaginary . Before I donned the Fitbit, I used to run comfortably. I could run hours without tiri...

All for one, one for all

The image of the three of you. Standing barefoot on Candolim beach; clouds gathering over the horizon. The sky a stormy shade of grey. The breeze in your hair. The ecstasy in your hearts. The silent bonds of love all around and within. The sea swelling and roaring in its full glory. The image of the three of you. Sprawled on one of the beds of B-204. Shoving and pushing and making and giving way. In order to accommodate four adults in a space meant for two. The image of the three of you. Poring over a sheet of paper. Blank as a bare wall. Motifs and messages shaping up in all eyes, waiting to be drawn. Glitters, water colors, paint brushes, round chips of mirrors, ribbon, balloons, bustings reading HAPPY BIRTHDAY – all Itsy Bitsy branded – strewn over the place. Like a riot of colours. And then, the perfect idea strikes. Thoughts start taking shape on paper. In cards that will become most cherished possessions of life. Achingly beautiful patterns. Soulful mess...


मस्त पवन सी चाल चले वो चुटिया पीछे झूली जाए जाने कैसे वो हंसी खेल में छू कर देती गम के साये   काम करे ऑफिस में जब वो मोदी का भी सर झुक जाए रसोई, कपडे, घर, इस्त्री में रोज़ नए इतिहास बनाये   बात रही जहां आवभगत की लोगों को पलकों पर बिठाये खाली पेट आप चल दिए तो पोटली बाँध कर घर पहुंचाए   Friend, philosopher, guide कभी , कभी बकैती की पुल बनाये dance करे मवाली वाली Mimicry से सबका दिल लूट जाए   ओ परी , घुंघराले बालों वाली नानी दादी सी गुणों में समाये चुलबुली, चटपटी, प्यारी, कोमल तुमसे दिल-घर रौशन हो जाए अब तुम बिन हमसे रहा न जाए … अब तुम बिन हमसे रहा न जाए…

Story of the Ring(s)

This was her third flight in the day; finally taking her home. Toying with the silver ring on her finger, Janhavi, for a change, was too tired to entertain thoughts. There was a time when the mere sight of it lifted her spirits, or doomed them, depending on where she stood on the wave of love. Whether she was riding the crest or drowning in the troughs. That was years ago, when hope still nestled in her heart. That’s when she had cultivated the habit of running her fingertips over the smooth curve of the ring. Strange bittersweet comfort would suffuse her nerves upon feeling that circle of love. Presently, she turned and toyed with the ring absentmindedly. In plain mental ennui. That’s when his voice fell like sledgehammer on her conscience. Suddenly alert like a dog, she sat up with a start. All senses acutely at work. Within seconds she searched the source. Sitting two rows ahead of her, on the right side of the aisle, she saw the head whose every contour she knew. By heart....

Of People and Papayas

Of the few mercies granted by life, one is ensuring supply of things. Things, not people. One would rather opt-in to be supplied with desired people, but life doesn’t grant anything that’s people dependent. Except oneself. If you get what I mean. Thrifty hearts, however, find solace in ascertaining anything little they can. Even if it’s something as plain as papayas. And so it’s heartening to note that it’s within my reach to plan my fruit supplies every week. Being working and managing home all by oneself has its challenges. One has time to stock up the fridge only once a week. While other fruits don’t play very hard to get and survive, papayas are particularly snobbish. I mean an apple will taste the same on Monday and Friday, so will pomegranate. But papayas and bananas belong to the category that have to be picked carefully, their ripening stage staggered day-by-day, to make sure that you get the correct taste on your breakfast table each day. After a year of buying my own...

माँ के लिए फेसबुक गाइड

माँ मेरी , बचपन से आज तक तुम हमको पढ़ाती - सिखाती आयी . यह तो तुम ही बता सकती हो कि तुम्हारे पाठ - प्रवचन का हमपर कितना असर पड़ा . हम तो बस इतना जानते हैं कि हम मिटटी रहे और तुम मेरी कुम्हारी , जो इतने प्यार से हमको ढाली कि हम तुम बन गए . खैर , गए हफ्ते जब तुम्हारा फेसबुक पर आगमन हुआ , तो हमको चुहल हुई तुमको पढ़ाने की ( यहाँ मेरा ' अनुभव ' - तुम्हारा favourite शब्द - तुमसे ज़्यादा है ). ज्ञान उड़ेलने की दुनिया में तुम स्वेच्छा से आ चली हो , तो शुरुआत चलो हम ही करते हैं .   सबसे ज़रूरी बात सबसे पहले . फेसबुक दुनिया का आधुनिक मेला है . बटन दबाते ही जीवंत हो जाने वाली इस दुनिया में साधारण रूप से सम्भले हुए लोग भी रोज़ाना 40-50 मिनट बिताते हैं . इसलिए चौकस रहना . समय की बर्बादी में अगर कोई और मनोरंजन इससे आगे है तो वो है सास-बहू सीरियल .   जब तुम सीरियल के मोह में कभी नहीं फसी ( thank god for that ), तो मुझे उम्मीद है ये भी तुम्हरा कुछ ...