when you are with me

When you are with me
everyday is a joy
even a simple debate
is a word-i-licious ploy
the body doesn't tire
spirit feels free
passion burns in a fire
when you are with me

When you are with me
everyday has a meaning
mundane comes alive
finer's every feeling
mind's a clear sprakle
words deeper than sea
soul's in seventh heaven
when you are with me

When you are with me
i'm such a better human
i'm positive i'm fair
full of genuine care
colors become colorful
greener is every tree
moments get intensity
when you are with me


  1. how did u know my feelings for archana so aptly.

  2. aah! see someone finally expressing. i'm honored to be the reason :) how do i know? i know because i feel exactly what i wrote.


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