
Showing posts from July, 2010

Dwarka, Delhi: Where life is a Game

Today morning. She was a girl of my age, my height, my built. She was going to office just like I was. She took the same road as I do. She was just another ordinary girl walking alone on the streets of Delhi’s largest sub-city – Dwarka. Just one difference – she was wearing a gold chain around her neck. I wasn’t. She must have been some twenty steps behind me, which is why I didn’t notice her. I had almost approached my bus stop when I heard a woman shout. I immediately turned. What I saw was a matter of a few fleeting seconds…astounding in its audacity. Unbelievable in its sheer violence. I saw a man towering over a screeching girl. Beside them, I saw a scooter with another man in the driver’s seat. Both were wearing helmets. The girl seemed to be fighting with the man and shouting at the same time. In no time, the man slapped her face…right left and centre…then pushed her back. At that moment, what came in my mind was a series of incoherent words… Domestic violence Family vendetta Un...


तेरे इंतज़ार ने... दौड़ते लम्हों को थमना सिखा दिया बढ़ती ख्वाहिशों को कमना सिखा दिया घनी तन्हाई को बोलना सिखा दिया हिम्मत और दम को डोलना सिखा दिया दर्द की गहराइयों को हँसना सिखा दिया ख़ुशी की बौछार को भी डसना सिखा दिया सपनों को भी आंसूं पीना सिखा दिया कुछ भी कहो जीना सिखा दिया.
इतने जिद्दी हो, मेरे दिल की चाभी लिए, दस बहाने देते हो, न खुद ही आते हो, न किसी और को आने देते हो ...