don't we belong?

talking after ages

don't you feel at home instantly
don't you feel at ease
doesn't it feel very right
doesn't it leaven and please?

tell me baby,
don't you belong to me
the way i belong to you...
the way i belong to we...

sitting by the setting sun

don't you reminisce our times
don't you feel my presence
don't you crave for my body
don't i echo in your silence?

tell me baby,
don't you belong to me
the way i belong to you...
the way i belong to we...

watching a story unfold

don't your thoughts wander past
times, spaces, things we touched
doesn't your heart brim over your eyes
for love intact, but for dreams crushed

tell me baby,
don't you belong to me
the way i belong to you...
the way i belong to we...

mere thought of someone else

doesn't it bode something ill and wrong
doesn't it it send a chill through
doesn't it lead you into a closed nest
shut out from the rest - only me and you?

tell me baby,
don't you belong to me
the way i belong to you...
the way i belong to we...


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