
Friend, hold my hand
and let’s go
to a place we don’t know
let’s be us
happy, fabulous
let each motivate
to unfetter the other’s fate
let’s laugh with the wind in our face
with lifetimes packed in days
let’s live our meaning of Right
infuse goodness to each fight
let’s revel in the uniqueness of our team
when distance threatens, still chase our dream
let’s tell life to take a walk
but love it all the same, let’s rock
let none be hurt along the path
and yet defend truth in the face of aftermath
let’s live to the fullest we can
keeping instinct before plan
let’s plan a bohemian bike ride
never exchange the witty for snide
let’s throw open our lives
to love that lets go, still thrives
let’s not waste a tear
cry if we must, do while near
let’s fly, and learn and teach
compassion and beauty, to us and each


  1. Read the entire piece in one go and trust me its excellent, gripping attention all the way! Your friendship is an achievement in one's life.


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