My Blank Space

I am your Blank. Fill it as you like.

Let it lie vacant, unnamed, undefined. Let it be shapeless… a formless wealth of exhilarating love. A kennel, a cave, a house, a desert, a moonless night, a moonlit park, an endless ocean, a cranny of a nest – anywhere, anything. Vacant, not void.

Wear the feathers of freedom, and without flying beyond your sky of responsibilities, step out from that threshold of societal propriety. Make an exception and let us remain fluid. Let the sea of our souls fill the blanks as and how it desires. There’s no need to mould its shape or to carve out its path. These waters of understanding know well what to leave untouched.

That blank space of what I will be to you and you to me… subsumes more than what can ever be conveyed in words. It is that area of bright white light, an eternal source of it. Convert that energy into whichever form you like. Pick out any strand of colour, bathe in it or just revel in its sight. Be the richest – choose to define or un-define it.

Ever seen a live musical concert? Two maestros, immersed in the passion of their respective instrument, pour in universal energy and pour out their souls as they play it. They bend the music to their command, they let it flow smooth before reining it back, they kiss its wave and flirt with its pace, and gradually bring it to a pulsating crescendo. And the moment they both bring their beats to ‘सम्’, their eyes meet briefly and their lips break into an involuntary smile. In that one moment of divine understanding, an entire audience is held captive, enthralled in the timeless beauty of perfect understanding. Mind-heart-action in sync.

And so, my dear, my twin-soul, the child of my heart, the love that brims me over, I say to you – I am your ___________.

Let it be filled with the divine understanding we’re fortunate to share. We are the richest. We define who we want to be. Or better still, leave it a happy, a complete, an all-consuming BLANK.


  1. I am suggesting again...given your should definitely try writing a novel.

    1. i hope i can present my novel to you some day.

  2. An excellent piece. 'Vacant, not void' was overwhelming...

  3. Loved the musical analogy and the philosophical thoughts that preceded it !

    मुझे तो लगता है मटुकनाथ की लव गुरु वाली उपाधि खतरे में है। The new love guru from Bihar has arrived :p

    1. You've revived my interest in this person. Why don't you enlighten us by what you know!


      Hope this will help !


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