With jargon, from Jargon


Some folks have it. The ability to talk for hours without meaning a thing.

Hi, I am Jargon. I come in handy to disguise shallow language sense. I even save the day if you lack the courage to speak the truth.

I usually seek time to check and get back to you, because I know how short your attention span is, and how you’re going to forget this after six seconds. I am great at specifying the need to peel the onion before getting into the task because I dread working. See, I just gave the Hindi idiom of pyaaz chheelna a new lease of life. As they say, old wine in a new bottle. Wink wink.

I’m often banking on the synergy of other people because I am unparalleled at social loafing. This is why I insist on touching base, and not dissecting through. When I’m borrowing other people’s original thoughts, you may label them as stealing, but I’m actually curating thoughts and experiences for a bleeding edge customer experience.

I love the creative stuff. Or the disruptive stuff. Take your pick. I’m the kind of bloke who’s all for blue sky thinking, and expanding horizons of creativity. When it comes to getting on all fours and doing the actual work, I leave it to the doers. Someone has to get their hands dirty, after all.

I like talking about Blockchain and AI powered stuff because it sounds so cool. I get away with it because (a) Most others don’t know/ don’t care (b) Those who do are too busy to go on asking questions to get to the truth (or they know me too well to waste their time). If you do manage to catch me in the act, I can always pivot on to something else and escape.

FYI, Acronym is my spouse. We often work in perfect alignment. If walking through my layers and going down through the funnel doesn’t confuse you enough, I can always trap you in the KPI and ROI game. Acronym is the RTB that I know more than I actually do! Together, we slither like snakes under the veneer of intelligence.

Wait, did you say you wanted to deep dive into me? Allow me to circle back to you on that.



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