
i talk to you
everyday i do
it's not so much
to update you
as it is
about keeping myself
pure and living
honest and true

strange it may sound
but it's true all the same
if i don't talk to you
i'll become insane

you are an anchor
you see me to the end
you save me from tripping
you make me me, my friend :)


  1. Thank you madam...and you are my star,my friend...You are someone I depend on like hell!!!!Well,you are my sakhi..

  2. गम में डूबे हुए एहसास के साथ हिलोरे मारते हुए जज्बात... लगता है किसी ने दिल तोड़ा है आपका...ऊपरवाला आपको बेपनाह खुशियां दें...
    अमर आनंद

  3. You are lucky to get such a wonderful friend.Wish your friendship grow stronger with each passing day!


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