He doesn't look 40, does he? A couple of years ago, I picked up a renowned book by Mark Manson, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. I realized after going through the first few pages, that the book didn’t really offer anything new to me, courtesy my sibling teacher, my brother. What the book tried to teach in logic and words, my brother had taught me all along through practical demonstration. Almost all the good habits I have internalized so far, are owed to him. On his 40 th , it’s about time I pay my gratitude in ink. Let’s start with my first life lesson: Abandon labels In the 80s, even with limited access to TV for children of my generation, Bollywood faces were household names. Among them was the lesser known singer and widely popular actor-comedian, Tuntun. In those days, Tuntun was synonymous with overweight bubbly women. As the heaviest among three siblings, never mind that I was just five, brother chose to christen me Tuntun. It didn’t take any ceremony for the na...
You were once HOME to me
ReplyDeleteA life with memory was more than adding years to me…
With everything in place as it should, you meant home to me.
I saw in mellowed reflection of life with u
I’d give everything to get my years back with you
How you make all my happiness, my days filled with you,
& often I hear your voice when someone else talks & not u,
I moved my gloomy dreariness, with one look of you
Aah! the catch was it was just me & a superficial you
Given a chance..I wouldn’t change much,
Life without you is way less than a perfect us.
I raped my ego for what you felt was right,
Now I let go, easy on myself like a flying kite
I must go on, with or without you
Just that my shadow also craves for you
Goodbye my love, may be we will meet again
I don know what to say….baby you were HOME to me.. I repeat once again