
Showing posts from 2010

you're not going anywhere

I know this with a certainty need no wish no prayer you're here to stay by me you're not going anywhere you need me for your thought my existence for your belief my love is your anchor my absence your grief you're great by yourself but my memories keep you going in the boat of your conscience it's i who does the rowing you could travel entire world partner somebody else but you'll need me at the end of day to decipher what your heart tells our love is beyond definitions and conventions above everything we know above our own conditions i'm not afraid my love since nothing can do us apart you're not going anywhere we're a part of each-other's heart

Story of a tree

My mother sowed my seed under rich, supple earth it shone and rained all day to celebrate my birth A huge family we were resplendent, strong & green animals used to woo us and birds came home to preen and then you came along the men-strong and wise you discovered our beauties in ways gentle and nice fruit flower fodder you reaped us to the core paper wax rubber your knowledge grew more all went hunky dory till your feet was on ground but things turned gory as u went foul and proud forgetting that other creatures were fellow inheritors of earth you used and abused them all for private mirth when your family grew you fell all of mine on that lifeless extravagant wood you drank beer and wine you changed the color of air you dammed and damned the seas you chased birds and butterflies for mosquitoes flies and fleas i stand here all alone imploring you to relent as you dig out soil from under my root to replace it with cement in the name of development bombs are what you make your greed ...

तेरी मीरा बनी फिरती हूँ

कुछ ऐसे छूया है तेरे प्यार ने कि संभाले न संभालती हूँ गली-गली, शहर-शहर तेरी मीरा बनी फिरती हूँ तलाश नहीं किसी जश्न की बारिश कि ताल पर थिरकती हूँ हर मौसम में हर मिजाज़ में तेरी मीरा बनी फिरती हूँ न पूछ मेरी दीवानगी का सबब तू वो खुदा है जिसपर मरती हूँ सोते-जागते, उठते-बैठते तेरी मीरा बनी फिरती हूँ तो क्या गर पायी न तुझे तेरी याद में रोज़ संवरती हूँ हँसती -खेलती, नाचती-गाती तेरी मीरा बनी फिरती हूँ तेरा साथ न मिल पाया तो क्या तेरे हिज्र से गुज़र करती हूं तेरे ख्यालों की चादर पहनकर तेरी मीरा बनी फिरती हूं फर्क मिट गए हैं मुझमें और तुझमें ज़माने से अब न डरती हूं गुजारिशों-तलब को पीछे छोड़ तेरी मीरा बनी फिरती हूं एक शुभचिंतक द्वारा सुझाया हुआ: जीवन सागर की गहराइयों के भंवर में नित घिरती हूँ प्रीत सीपों की तलाश में तेरी मीरा बनी फिरिती हूँ...

my composure

The reason why i stay happy the reason i don't complain i'm hopeless beyond despair i'm silenced beyond pain
पूरे चाँद से कहो, बुझ जाए बहती नदी से कहो, थम जाए झिलमिल बारिश से कहो, लौट जाए सुहानी हवा से कहो, घर जाए अपनी यादों से कहो, न आये या मेरी मौत से कहो...आ जाए

i miss myself

when a good friend asked me how i was my world stopped for a moment life came to a pause memories raced back to when you were with me bliss ran in my blood 't was a life meant to be i lost count on time since you went away in years i haven't talked to myself a single day...

दूसरा प्यार

आज फिर पगली हवा ने गुदगुदाया है मुझे आज फिर न चाहते हुए भी वो याद आया है मुझे मौसम बेहद सुहाना है और मन बिलकुल अकेला आँधियों की शोर में गूंजे है वीरानियों का मेला ऐसे में मैं आज पुकारती हूँ तुझे अब तेरा ही आश्रय है समा ले बाहों में मुझे प्यार से फटता कलेजा आ तुझपे वार देती हूँ बेजान पड़े सपनों को तेरी झोली डार देती हूँ आज फिर कोरे कागज़ पर दिल से भरती हूँ स्याही तेरे सहारे चलती है, ऐ 'कविता' एक ज़िन्दगी अनब्याही

An ode to the unemployed

I could be a swindler or a cheat a thug or a hussy I could be nasty and biased unfair and fussy I could fleece the skin off you and damn you with usury without further subjecting you to all-mightiness of the JUDICIARY I’m mean enough to cross all limits like a wolf I cry, like a lamb I dress my best knavery falls way too behind when compared with the impostor called PRESS I’m a gone case, I admit but I’ve never killed a single person my designs are petty and amateur unlike WALMART, WORLD BANK, or ANDERSON I let people live in their own way my ideals, I don’t shove or push I could be a liar – phoney and sly But fade in comparison to GEORGE BUSH I strip not people of their life-long savings no irreversible damage, no rancour I’m nothing but a trifling little thief and not a behemoth BANKER I stay clear of the innocent I don’t grind them to their knees I posses none of the ruthlessness as that of the corrupt POLICE I could be blunt, but I like it this way better than always whitening the ...


It’s not that I resist just to stand out it’s for a deeper reason that I deny and flout I refuse to follow ideas that cross terms with reason I don’t care if you’d charge me with blasphemy or treason I’m a bohemian, a vagabond a dreamer to the core I glide with my senses with my mind I soar in a far-off land I live away from conventions’ rot u could fetter my body; not colonise my thought my stories could be small my value trifling but freedom is my partner and bliss my sibling I won’t toe the line and I will not conform am here to appease none but beget my own norm Custodians, beware! a rebel has risen in me to cause a wave of change that centuries will live to see.

come to me

Like a feather on a wave i float by my days everything is a blur every emotion a haze please break the silence let not the emptiness persist hurt me, better still tell me i still exist


Through the wilderness and forest everyday i run all night and day past the moon and sun i run to ward it off to get rid of it someday but it haunts as it follows it's hell bent to stay it lurks in the corners it springs up in the face holds a sweetened knife stalks with quickened pace i implore it to let go "please set me free" it's a parasite, doesn't listen it sucks its life from me i could peel it off my skin or burn it or throw away if only i could touch it or make it do as i say but HOPE is a hopeless thing a shadow that never leaves it thrives on despair never heals, only grieves.

tantalising nature

Nature is playing a cruel game when steeped in his arms, i prayed you to rain but all you lashed was wind in vain now i stare lone and slain and now you shower time and again wounds get wet deepening the pain nature is playing a cruel game

my Stud!

Telepathy must be your food the way you guess my mood Time must be in your sway the way you predict my way Miracle must be your find the way you read my mind your exactness is like a nerd when you spell out my next word without a gesture or a talk you figure me out by my walk I must be flowing in your every vein for our chemistry to be - this insane I must be a part of your bones and blood how else could you become, my know-all stud?!

Aisha - setting benchmark in mindless cinema

What happens when a bundle of young girls meet together? Do they talk normally about their lives and their experiences? No. Do they become friends whose relationship is founded on the basics of trust and support? No. Do they discuss their lives’ goals and ambitions? No. Why? Because they hardly have anything like ambition, except fixing marriages – for themselves and others. Because going shopping is the only intellectual pursuit that they have ever known. Because bitching-behind-the-back and making-fun-of-behenjis is their regular preoccupation. Because girls’ creativity is limited to their mastery at cosmetics. So, pick up a girl (thin as a willow), dress her up, doll her up, addle her brains (if any) with dates and marriages, don’t let her sniff sense – and you get an ideal woman. This is what the movie AISHA tries to prove. Even Jane Austen’s heroines are better than this. At least, they talk well. That this movie has bagged as many as four stars from reviewers of Times of India (N...


Many i saw, in this big world people nice, good and true friends and others, each one special but none as complete as YOU.

Dwarka, Delhi: Where life is a Game

Today morning. She was a girl of my age, my height, my built. She was going to office just like I was. She took the same road as I do. She was just another ordinary girl walking alone on the streets of Delhi’s largest sub-city – Dwarka. Just one difference – she was wearing a gold chain around her neck. I wasn’t. She must have been some twenty steps behind me, which is why I didn’t notice her. I had almost approached my bus stop when I heard a woman shout. I immediately turned. What I saw was a matter of a few fleeting seconds…astounding in its audacity. Unbelievable in its sheer violence. I saw a man towering over a screeching girl. Beside them, I saw a scooter with another man in the driver’s seat. Both were wearing helmets. The girl seemed to be fighting with the man and shouting at the same time. In no time, the man slapped her face…right left and centre…then pushed her back. At that moment, what came in my mind was a series of incoherent words… Domestic violence Family vendetta Un...


तेरे इंतज़ार ने... दौड़ते लम्हों को थमना सिखा दिया बढ़ती ख्वाहिशों को कमना सिखा दिया घनी तन्हाई को बोलना सिखा दिया हिम्मत और दम को डोलना सिखा दिया दर्द की गहराइयों को हँसना सिखा दिया ख़ुशी की बौछार को भी डसना सिखा दिया सपनों को भी आंसूं पीना सिखा दिया कुछ भी कहो जीना सिखा दिया.
इतने जिद्दी हो, मेरे दिल की चाभी लिए, दस बहाने देते हो, न खुद ही आते हो, न किसी और को आने देते हो ...

कभी कभी कुछ

कभी नंगे पाँव गीली घास पर चल लेती हूँ कभी बालों को बिखेर भरी बरसात में टहल लेती हूँ कभी चाँदनी रात में छत पे बैठे कुछ गा लेती हूँ कभी राह चलते अनजाने बच्चों में बाहें उलझा लेती हूँ कभी बाथरूम के अन्दर बिलख-बिलख कर रो लेती हूँ कभी अपनी माँ के साथ चिपककर सो लेती हूँ कभी किसी किताब को चंद घंटों में पढ़ लेती हूँ कभी कोरे कागज़ पर सपनों का जहां गढ़ लेती हूँ कभी दोस्तों के साथ ठहाकी हंसी हंस लेती हूँ कभी बहते घावों पर बेजान पट्टी कस लेती हूँ पर चाहे कुछ भी कर लूं मैं तू याद हर वक़्त आता है बहानों की लगाम छुडाकर दिल तेरे पीछे ही जाता है

वो तुम थे क्या?

निकली थी धूप में पर कुछ दिखाई न दिया बचपना कुछ ऐसा था नादानी कुछ इतनी थी की खुद से दूर चलती गयी अनजानी राहों में घुलती गयी मन ने टोका तो बहुत रूह ने रोका तो बहुत पर कुछ सुनाई न दिया चकाचौंध से धुंधले थे नयन झूठे आसरों से भ्रमित था मन फिर मौसम एकाएक बदला खुल गए ज़हन के सारे द्वार आज़ाद हुई आत्मा, फूटा ज्वार वो तुम थे , या था कोई इश्वर जो सौंप गया मुझे मेरा अस्तित्व किया मेरी प्रथिभओं को प्रखर जब छोटी थी, सोचा था लिखूंगी प्यार में भी पडूँगी, एक दिन खिलूंगी बड़ी होकर, मैं यूं नाचूंगी पोथियाँ, ग्रन्थ, सब दे बाचूंगी फिर पता नहीं कब, टूटा समय पर बस शब्दों को लीं, बड़ियों ने कस फिर बातों बातों में, तुम्हें भी सुना खुली आँखों से, एक सपना बुना वो तुम थे, या था मेरा आत्मविश्वास बो गया जो बीज प्रेम के फिर जिलाई मुझमें, जीने की आस वो तुम थे या थी इक पागल हवा इलाज कर दे हर मर्ज़ का, इक ऐसी दवा वो तुम थे या था कोई गुरु चरणों में जिसके सिमटे जहां, और वहीँ से हो शुरू वो तुम थे या था जीवन का प्यार हर आगामी संघर्ष के लिए, जो कर गया मुझे तैयार वो तुम थे या था मेरा ही अहम् वो तुम थे या था मेरा ही करम वो तुम ...

pick up a fight

So easy it is to sit back and watch than sweat it out & climb up a notch life is a thrill don’t take it too light search for a reason and pick up a fight there always exist your hidden calling where you tread & toil and don’t mind falling the road could be tough but if the goal is in sight get charging again and pick up a fight naysayers are galore to pull you down to snub your ideas and see you frown trust your instincts do what’s your right before they get to you pick up a fight for every battle won life has a price not all wishes are granted nor is pleasant every surprise but when darkness looms large and haunting is the night wait till it’s dawn and pick up a fight.

I'm all yours

Do not hesitate, come to me when you’re tired after a full day’s chores relax in my arms, sleep in my lap stay wherever, I’m all yours When you need support, I’ll cheer for you when you need love, sink in my pores play on my lips, eat from my cheeks stay wherever, I’m all yours I’ll take your hand, walk with you when the going is tough, rough and coarse drink from my palms, crawl under my skin stay wherever, I’m all yours Fight with you, then yield to you giving no threat, using no force live in my dream, breathe in my hair stay wherever, I’m all yours my every hope, my every prayer comes from you, you’re my source from head to toe – nothing is mine stay wherever, I’m all yours

My rain girl

I grip the handles of my seat Shivers my skin, tightens my chest The sound of rain and smell of earth Creates in me, a sweet unrest A drop and two And gently it begins Your laughter your gait Memories flood within You’d look back and smile And pull up your skirt Barefoot on the grass Giggly and pert Everytime it thundered You’d cry out aloud And throw open your arms Embracing the cloud Your trembling wet lips Would kiss the flowers breathe in its fragrance all drenched in the shower You’d pull me in rain And dance with joy And awaken my child in me Like a naughty little toy Among everything you brought Into my day Besides love and warmth Was rain and play Like a child you filled My life with bliss Passionate was your love Intoxicating you kiss I seldom doubted myself Before you believed in me Appreciation, beauty and love You made my eyes see Today it rained again And my heart longed for you To touch your wet fingers And see your smile an...

मर कर जी जाने दे

प्यार से मेरा आँचल, आज भर जाने दे अपनी बाहों में समा ले, और मर जाने दे...

that's me

people who laugh a lot who help and care and share are loved and sought by all for they're lively and so very rare they sing aloud in the autumn and dance with mirth in the rain and so perfectly do they manage to hide their own dark world of pain (inspired by sher: वो हमसे पूछते हैं, हम इतना क्यों हँसते-हंसाते हैं, अरे उन्हें क्या पता, हम अपनी हंसी में अपना दर्द छुपाते हैं..)

Benign Cruelty

without looking my way you do as you please i find no words to say before your indifferent ease when tears roll down making my heart shatter surprised, you ask 'what's the matter?'

तेरी याद

मैं तो मिट ही चली थी जब सुर्ख लहू में जैसे आग समाई मार के भी न मरने दिया तूने हाय! तेरी याद फिर आई हाय! तेरी याद फिर आई...

come back

'I'll come back baby' you said as you left i've been watching the road as my heart gets cleft i've not given up hope losing is not my knack tied to end of rope counting till you come back

a poem

what is a poem but a wrung of anguish the sound of hope broken in a thud the cry of a soul inked in blood

उफ़ ये सावन

तुम तो चले गए पर वो फिजायें न गयीं दिल को गुदगुदा दे वो ठंडी हवा आज भी बहती है पेड़ पर बैठी पगली कोयल प्यार से कुछ आज भी कहती है गीली मिटटी की सौंधी खुशबू आज भी बहकाती है ठिठुरते तन को बारिश की बूँदें आज भी सहलाती हैं पुराने गानों की वो जानी-सी धुन आज भी सुनाई देती है वो घर, बगीचे, दुकानें आज भी दिखाई देती हैं तुम तो चले गए पर सावन लौट आया है अब हवाएं सहलाती नहीं, तडपाती हैं बारिश की बूँदें बदन में छेद कर जाती हैं जो मन छलांगे भरता था अब दबता सा जाता है जहां एक पल खाली न था अब खालीपन से भरा जाता है एक टूटे दिल के लिए क्या बरसात और क्या नजाकत है सच पूछो मुझे तुमसे नहीं इस मौसम से शिकायत है...

thanks for coming

The mask is off and the dust has settled curtains are drawn and no one's nettled it's time i come out and convey you my thank in words, not bout clear and frank for all the hurt and my vainful yearn invaluable lessons you made me learn thank you for not being there when i called you in need and not considering it worth to pay any heed now i know fully the meaning of care and value those people who've always been there thank you for dishing out those misleading lies i know like never before what each word implies i know for a bond how damaging lies can be and the meaning of trust i can now clearly see thank you for never understanding what my tears said i've seen enough meanness and how dependence is bred i know very well happiness is found within in peace and in love not in fight and din thank you for everything that you were not i know what i now want is not i once sought.

ये जीवन जीने के लिए है

माना हर उम्मीद की कली समय समय पर नहीं फूली और फूल जो खिल आये भी खारों से सजे हुए हैं पर उन कच्चे फूलों में भी सुगंध, रंग और रास है बाग़ लहराते हैं, मधुबन सौंदर्य के लिए है ये जो जीवन है, ये जीने के लिए है हर मोड़ के इम्तेहान में कहाँ कोई निकल पाया है प्यार को ही देख लें एक मंडराता साया है फिर भी जश्न हैं रिश्ते और नाते हैं ये खुशियाँ, ये संगम, रस पीने के लिए हैं ये जो जीवन है, ये जीने के लिए है एक मकाम पर हर शख्स ठहरा है दर्द में दिल, लकीरों में चेहरा है तब भी नयी सोच, नयी मंजिल, नया सृजन है ये ख़ुशी और सपनों के धागे, चोटों को सीने के लिए हैं ये जो जीवन है, ये जीने के लिए है..
दिल जो टूटा हमारा उम्मीद भी हिम्मत नहीं करती है ख्वाहिश क्या जागेगी दुबारा जब तम्मानाएं भी सच होने से डरती हैं

when you are with me

When you are with me everyday is a joy even a simple debate is a word-i-licious ploy the body doesn't tire spirit feels free passion burns in a fire when you are with me When you are with me everyday has a meaning mundane comes alive finer's every feeling mind's a clear sprakle words deeper than sea soul's in seventh heaven when you are with me When you are with me i'm such a better human i'm positive i'm fair full of genuine care colors become colorful greener is every tree moments get intensity when you are with me

'think' about love?

my friend suggested : think about him. And i thought, if i have to 'think', it isn't love...


Tree against the deep blue sky its branches bare, tall & gaunt amidst the green and frozen winds bravely fighting loneliness' haunt

तुमसे मिलने को दिल करता है

यूं तो मेरा पागल दिल, किसी और पर ही मरता है फिर मैं न जानूं क्यों हर दिन, तुमसे मिलने को दिल करता है इस बड़ी सयानी दुनिया में, जहां एक शख्स भी न ठहरता है, वहाँ पलके बिछाए इंतज़ार में, तुमसे मिलने को दिल करता है वैसे तो सपनों का नगर, कभी संवरता कभी बिखरता है खुश रहूँ या बेहद गुमसुम, तुमसे मिलने को दिल करता है आने वाले कल की सोच, सचमुच मन भीतर डरता है पर बीती यादों की चादर तले, तुमसे मिलने को दिल करता है.. उजड़े मन की बगिया में, सपनों का राख लहरता है लाख मनाऊँ दिल को मगर, तुमसे मिलने को दिल करता है...

दुःख तो अपना साथी है..

There's no hurt so big that forever i'll grieve nor for a lost love will i stop to live I'll grow laugh and love my heart won't rend pain doesn't threaten me i've made it my friend


When life brought you i was fresh as spring happy with the things i would dance and sing as time went by in you i found an echoing similarity my soul's own sound my queen-like-doll is how you'd call me a new world of dreams thru' your eyes i'd see stuck like glue we'd always hang around immeasurably in love our hearts were bound I knew it'd come to the point of calling since time's the boss our test came rolling i gave my hand into yours with trust i was ready for the fight since you came first but the first blow came you tore yourself away leaving me alone you never saw my way i kept trying again in hope that i'd revive your love for me come back in your life then came your excuses some pretence some sham in your life i was but a mere flotsam

तुम न आए

वो मौसम जिसमे मिले थे हम प्यार में की थीं दूरियां कम दिन महीने साल बीते आहें भरते आंसूं पीते सर्द हवा में विरह सताए सब यादें आई, पर तुम न आये वही बारिश जिसमे भीगे थे तन वो बातें जिनसे मिले थे मन भर्रायी आवाज़ में निकले थे बोल बाँध टूटा था मन को खोल जीने के थे कितने बहाने पाए वो वजहें धुंधलाई, पर तुम न आए वादों की डोर से न बंधा है कोई सिसकने को अब न कंधा है कोई वो नोंक-झोंक, वो मस्ती की हंसी वो कोमल स्पर्श, मानो ज़हन में बसी, वो महकें, वो जगहें, वो सपने फिर आए उम्मीदें उमड़ आयीं, पर तुम न आए


like a bird for its nest and fly for nectar like a sanyaasi's quest no worse no better like a river for sea and dog for owner like a killer for gun and silence for loner my skin burns at the thought of you and races my pulse till world turns blue with feelings bare and nakedly true like a lioness of love i desire you

my days float by

Without you, there's no song no notion of right or wrong it's strange, i can't even cry before i know, my day floats by... your face sits pretty in my soul every morning your memories unroll birds don't soar, spirits don't fly before i know, my day floats by... some questions haunt, without a clue some dreams some hopes deep in blue on lost earth, under hazy sky, before i know, my day floats by...

cycle of wait

When we try to move on, they throw us a bait When we latch on to it, they ask us to wait

Why not Why?

A question most dreaded for one who wants others to comply who detests freedom, loathes liberty is the question called ‘why’ It’s made the thinkers think it’s made the shy try it’s made the doer do it’s emboldened spines to reply It’s unsettled the elite and insulted the sly stirred the underdog winged ideas to fly So, unturn given answers look beyond the sky eternally let this fire burn that makes you ask ‘why’

as you go

A restlessness grips And the pulse goes slow as distances widen As you go Grazed to the bone I’m empty I know I’m dying within As you go I wish I could beg In my heart I’d show It’s a dead end for me As you go

How i loved you..

how i loved you.. i laid bare my soul 'n heart gave my life a whole new start my trust grew deep, my temper sweet more of life in every beat living full throttle sticking like glue that's how i loved you How i loved you.. i was but a naughty child a flower growing in the wild and then you came and when you spoke i closed my eyes, within i woke ideas stirred ambitions swirled a new light flooded my world like never before i earnestly grew that's how i loved you How i loved you i used to think i knew love which was but an illusionary bluff love is worship, love is prayer mind-in-soul, a feast very rare it liberates, it heals heart-to-action, it seals it transformed me into a new version stabler and abler, a better person smooth sail or a rough ride i have in you a humble pride now you're gone and friends are few but romance with life goes on like new that's how i loved you..

दिल से हारी

पाओगे भी न मुझको पाकर न कर पाऊँगी तुमसे प्यार मेरी आत्मा बसती है मुझसे बाहर मैं खुद हूँ अपने दिल का शिकार

अब मैं क्या कहूं..

के जवाब ही न दे पाऊँ मत पूछ सवाल ऐसे दिल ज़र्रों में रोता है बात बताऊँ भी तो कैसे..

for a half-relationship

I share with you a bond very true friendship and care & a chemistry damn rare A feeling that's vice but equally nice A hunger untamed & a relationship unnamed